How can we help you?

If you do not find an answer to your question, you can always contact our customer service team, which speaks Finnish, at +358 (0) 942 732 522 or at

Frequently asked question

Where is my order?

As soon as your order has been dispatched, you will receive an email with a tracking number that shows when your order will arrive.

How do I return an item or items that I have purchased?

All order shipments contain both a return form and a return label. If these documents are lost or do not work, please contact our customer service at: +358 (0) 942 732 522 or Fill out the enclosed return form and place it in the parcel. Attach the enclosed return label to the parcel. Deliver the parcel to your nearest GLS parcel shop.

Didn't find the answers you were looking for?

Our team is ready to help you in Finnish.

Write to us

We respond to inquiries by email within a few hours

Call us

Lines are open Mon-Fri from 9.00 - 17.00.

+358 (0) 942 732 522

Chat with us

Chat with our customer service 24/7