Account - FAQ

Where do we find our previous orders?

You can find a complete overview of previous orders under "my account" --> "order history" in the top right corner of the site when you are logged in to your account.

Where can we find an overview of our most purchased products?

You will find an overview of your most purchased products under "my account" --> "most purchased products" in the top right corner of the site when you are logged in to your account.

Where do we change or add a delivery address?

Address changes or additions can easily be made under "my account" --> "account settings" --> address, in the top right corner of the site when you are logged in to your account.

How do we change our automatic reorder lists?

You can find your automatic reorder lists under "my account" --> "Automatic Reorder" in the top right corner of the site when you are logged in to your account.

Where can we find and change our favourites lists?

You can find your favourite lists under "my account" --> "favourite lists" in the top right corner of the site when you are logged in to your account.

How do we add additional users to our account?

You can add additional users to your account under "my account" --> "account information" --> "users" in the top right corner of the site when you are logged in to your account.

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